Your Child’s Development – Newborn to One Year | Bucks County Photographer

Children grow fast and if you dare blink an eye you may find yourself the parent of a teenager and wonder where your little’s one childhood has gone. Not only do children develop quickly but the rate in which they do in the first 12 months is amazing. You may not have noticed the nuances of their language or gross motor development as they transformed from a helpless wiggling infant into a tiny, functioning human.

Philly Baby Photographer


The first thing your baby does when he is born is cry and scream. Not only does this clear additional fluids from his lungs but it also jump-starts the movement and coordination of the vocal cords which will eventually lead to the capability of speech.  Next, after the screaming, your baby wants to see faces and will start looking around immediately after birth. He will startle or cry at sudden and loud noises and smile in response to your voice.

During the first three months he will being to lift his head when he is on his belly and eventually develop the strength to hold his weight on his forearms. This will lead to the ability to hold his head up independently for short periods of time and roll onto his back from his side. He will also discover his own hands.

Bucks County baby photographer

After the three month mark, your little one will begin to play with her feet while she lays on her back and can hold her head up unsupported. She will reach for toys and try to indicate likes and dislikes. She will cry in expressive ways and begin to make cooing and gurgling noises which will develop into the ability to have “conversations” with familiar people. She can roll from her tummy to her back and support her own weight on her elbows. She can sit while supported and she will be able to hold toys and bring them to her mouth.

Come six months your child will begin to sit unsupported and roll over in both directions. He will pull himself into a standing position – this will lead to “cruising” (using furniture and support to walk around) until he begins taking independent steps. He can transfer objects from one hand to another and will begin to feed himself finger foods. The understanding of simple words and their meanings, such as “mama” or “bye bye” will develop and he will start producing different sounds using sing-song vowels. His babbling will begin to include new sound combinations and he will try to imitate your speech. He will recognize and respond to his name and will also recognize familiar voices.

Doylestown Milestone Photographer

Here are some  comments received from clients who take part in a baby plan.

“As someone who rarely thinks to pick up the camera to document experiences, it was so nice to have these 4 sessions built in and to know that we would have pictures from each of Clara’s stages of her first year of life. I felt that they were well spaced. Just when it felt like I wanted a new set of photos, it was time to go back to the studio for a session!”  Jessica Potts

“I get compliments on the pictures all the time. I don’t regret one single penny I spent. You will treasure the pictures forever!” Jessica Fox

“I would say that it seems daunting when you just had a baby and now have to get pics but it’s so worth it bc you are so busy you won’t have time to take photos yourself. It is wonderful to have the memories they do grow up fast its awesome to see her growing up in each of the photos!”  Phi Nguyen

From one year on your child’s development will continue to flourish – new skills developing from old ones – until you wake up and realize that you have a small human with whom you can interact, converse and teach. Never forget to cherish each stage of your child’s development.

Book your milestone session now.

Love and hugs,  Kim



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